Monique Tait

Monique Tait

Aug 28, 2023. 3 mins read


Celebrate International Day of Charity with Young Children

There's no doubt in my mind that this generation of kids has it pretty good. Extraordinary experiences, fancy parties, an endless array of toys and the ever-present internet…I can't believe I endured analogue, what a time of deprivation it was! And whilst we mostly wouldn’t (and obviously can't) change societal advancements, it remains crucial to encourage and teach our little ones the beauty of appreciation, compassion and giving.


Established by the United Nations on the 5th of September every year, The International Day of Charity serves as a reminder that even the smallest acts of kindness can make a big difference. If you're a parent with young kids, there's no better time to instil the values of generosity, empathy and kindness. As we navigate this, let’s delve into six creative avenues for instilling these values in our little one’s hearts.

1. Crafting Kindness

Engaging in craft activities with young children can be a delightful way to introduce them to the concept of charity. Gather some basic art supplies and work on projects that can be donated to those in need. For instance, create colourful handmade cards to uplift the spirits of hospital patients or seniors in nursing homes. Your kids can also paint rocks with cheerful messages and leave them in public spaces for strangers to find and smile.

2. Book Sharing and Storytelling

Storytelling is a magical tool for teaching children important life lessons. Select age-appropriate picture books that highlight kindness, empathy, and charity themes. After reading, engage your kids in discussions about the characters' actions and feelings. This enhances their understanding and encourages them to think about how they can make a positive impact in their own way.

3. Toy Donation and Toy Exchange

Young children often accumulate many toys, and the International Day of Charity offers a perfect chance to teach them about sharing. Encourage your kids to take their preloved toys they no longer play with and explain that these toys can bring joy to other children who might not have as much. You can donate the toys to a local charity, toy library or through the new mobile app Sassybae. This simple act fosters a sense of empathy and gratitude in children while also promoting sustainable living. Alternatively, organise a toy swap with friends to be kind to our planet by participating in a sharing economy.

4. A Daily Charity Challenge

Create a week-long countdown to the International Day of Charity with a different act of kindness assigned each day. These can be small gestures such as drawing a picture for a neighbour, helping with chores at home, or leaving a kind note for a family member. This activity not only builds excitement for the upcoming day but also ingrains the habit of kindness in your child's routine.

5. Cooking for a Cause

Get your little ones involved in the kitchen for a sweet cause. Bake cookies, muffins, or simple treats together and deliver them to a local shelter, fire station, healthcare workers or RSPCA. Your kids will delight in the joy of giving something they've created with their own hands. This experience also helps them understand that charity goes beyond material possessions – it's about spreading love and happiness.

6. Be the Change You Want to See

While International Day of Charity is a beautiful opportunity to engage in acts of kindness, it's important to remember that charity begins at home — model empathy and generosity in your daily interactions. Let your kids witness you helping a neighbour, donating to a cause, or offering a helping hand to someone in need. These actions leave a lasting impact and show your children the value of making a positive difference in the world.

International Day of Charity is a reminder that no one is too young to make a difference. By engaging in activities that promote kindness and giving, you're nurturing a generation of compassionate individuals who understand the significance of helping others. Through crafting, storytelling, sharing, giving and daily acts of kindness, you're sowing seeds of charity in young hearts that will undoubtedly grow into a legacy of empathy and compassion.

Monique Tait

Monique Tait

Mothering . Wife . Founder . Chicken Wing Aficionado .

When she's not scouring the city for the best fried chicken joint, she's busy being a parenting superhero, starting with her new toy swapping app called Sassybae. Because let's be real, what better way to show your love for your kids than by swapping out their old toys for new ones? Monique is on a mission to make parenting easier, one wing and one toy at a time.

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